Busselton Lawn Mowing’s Lawn Treatment services

Busselton Lawn Mowing can help to maintain your lawn and keep it healthy and protected against potential damage. Below are the Lawn Treatments they offer:
De Thatching
Thatch is healthy for your lawn because it acts as a fertiliser to your lawn. What can be a problem is when it becomes thicker and it suffocates the grass roots and stops the water from penetrating and bringing nutrients to your lawn. This should be solved by using a power rake to de thatch or have Busselton Lawn Mowing specialists to perform Verti mowing. This process digs into the soil and gives opportunity for your grass to have better air circulation and for water to better infiltrate deep through the root system. This procedure will aerate the soil which will help the soil stay healthy and make the grass in your lawn flourish.

Weed Spraying

Reticulation System
Your lawn needs the proper amount of water to survive the harsh sun of Western Australia. If there is not enough water your grass will dry and get wilted, and if there is too much water your grass will drown, and die immediately. When you hire Busselton Lawn Mowing to install a reticulation system or sprinklers to your lawn you get to save a large amount of water and still sufficiently hydrate your grass.

Pull off a well conditioned lawn with lawn treatments
Thriving grass gives stunning appearance to the whole lawn. It should always be healthy and well maintained so that it is away from potential damage that may occur. That is why when you want to give the best for your lawn and if you are in need of a specialist to expertly assist you, rest assured that Busselton Lawn Mowing is here to help.